How to wear a stylish brooch necklace


Tamarusan’s brooch necklace is the item that can be used as a brooch or a necklace.

When you want to use it as a brooch, remove the chain.
When you want to use it as a necklace, put on the chain and hang the brooch like this.

But you can hang the chain from your neck as a necklace while fastening it to your clothes as a brooch.

This is a rough technique.


There you go.

The brooch is attached to the collar and the chain is hung from the neck.

In the photo below, the brooch is used as a cardigan clasp, but is also used as a necklace.


Here is the final one.


At first glance, it looks like a necklace, but it is worn with a brooch that is slightly shorter than the length of the chain, so that the chain is a little slack.

Isn’t this an interesting way to wear it?

One of the advantages of wearing both in this way is that the it does not dangle or tip over.

To begin with, when we had a limited-time sale at Takashimaya Department Store in Osaka, one of the employees there said.

She said, “I don’t know, this brooch dangles and turns over. That’s why I fastened it like this.”

So I clasped it like this.

If you have a it, please try wearing it this way as well.

Click here to see more brooch necklaces.

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