I’ve already sold some of them, but this is the new spring “Glaze Series (Blue)”. I’ve written the word “story” in the title, so I’m going to try to squeeze a story out of it. First of all, if you are wondering where the glaze series came from, take a look at the dumb dish […]
Knitted socks|Because of COVID-19 Pandemic

Riding a bicycle is seriously cold. And my hands are cold, but my feet are cold too. As for my feet, I have been wearing layers of socks for years now, and at one point I even did 5 layers. I did five layers at one point. I was so happy. But in my case, […]
Studying for a YouTube video

I recently attended an online workshop about YouTube. As you know, Tamarusan already has a Tamarusan Channel.I, Tamaru1go may already be a youtuber as well. But I decided to hone my skills more. The reason why we decided to make the video is as follows. Since we no longer have physical stores, customers cannot actually […]