Updates on the production of the products on Twitter

製作風景をツイッターで実況中継 | タマル1号 & タマル2号

The pictures are from the Twitter accounts of “Tamaru 1go” and “Tamaru 2go”. We post pictures or videos on Twitter while making products.

The product is never finished in one step, so when it comes to videos, it’s all half-baked.

However, I’m hoping that people will look at it and say, “Hmm”.

Because it is not very interesting as it is, I’m finding my favorite color tone while editing. My favorite thing to edit these days is to include clouds. I think it is a little surreal.

post picture on Twitter
This is a video

It would be fun to have sandpaper in these beautiful colors. In fact, it’s a modest one. It’s fun editing them into these shades. As with accessories, I have my own sense of “this”, and editing is the same.

post picture on Twitter
The silcone mold being made

I tried to include the clouds in this one too. It is a colorful two-tone color that is different from black and white. (It is TAMARUSAN Twitter)

We also use Twitter for workshops or information.

Our blog

Our Twitter accounts is on each product page as well as the top page, so please take a look.

Twitter Tamaru 1go

Twitter Tamaru 2go


(Tamaru 2go)